Project 1

Project 1


See course schedule for due date.

Getting Started

Store all you work in a folder called project1. When naming folders and files do not use spaces.

You will create a zip file of this folder called and submit it via Blackboard.

View the following sample solution to under stand the big picture:

Sample Solution

While you must follow the requirements below, you can pick your own colors, decorations and sample content. Your web page template will look different and unique.

The HTML and CSS are "minified," i.e., all extraneous whitespace is removed. Your HTML and CSS must be properly formatted. While it is possible to reverse-engineer the solution, be warned that the coding of the solution is unique, so copying the solution will be easy to detect.

You are permitted to use your browser's object inspector to see the hierarchy (i.e., tree-like structure) of the sample solution and to see the CSS applied to each individual element.


The following references are helpful. Please use them.

zyBook CSS References HTML Reference

1. Web Page Template (25 points)

Create a web page named template.html that meets the requirement described below.

Technical Requirements
Description Points
The page must validate at 4
The page must use a linked a stylesheet called style.css 1
HTML tags should be properly indented. Start and end tags should line up. Child tags should be intended relative to parent tags. 4
Structural Requirements

The page must include all of the following tags and structures:

Tag Description Points
div Use this as the outer-most container. The margins of the body cannot be changed for some browsers, so using an outer container is a common practice to achieve certain layouts. The outer-most div will contain the header, main and footer elements. 1
header Used for the website title (h1), navigation menu (nav), and a logo or website image (img) that will be on every page. 2
nav Used for the top navigation menu of the website. Create an unordered (ul) list (li) of hyperlinks (a) to sample pages, i.e., home, resume, courses, bio, etc. 3
main Used for the main content of each individual page. Create a main with a web page title (h2), sample content sections (section) and sample related content areas (aside) 3
section Used for storing a section of related content. Create a sample section with a heading (h3), paragraphs (p), a sample table (table, thead, tbody, tr, th, td) and a sample lists (ul or ol and li). 4
aside Used for side content related to a section. Create a sample aside with a subheading (h4) and paragraphs (p). The aside will go inside of a section. 2
footer Contains information about the page. Create a sample footer with information about the author of the page and the date the page was last updated. 1

2. Central Stylesheet (25 points)

Create a stylesheet named style.css that meets the following requirements:

Technical Requirements
Description Points
Must validate at 4
CSS should be properly indented. CSS properties should be indented and line up for each selector. 4
Required Styling
Tag Description Points
body Add a neutral background color or gradient 1
header Add a dark background color of your choosing with light text. Set overflow to auto. Set box-sizing to border-box. Set the width to 100%. The website title (h1) should float left and the navigation menu (nav) should float right. 3
nav Transform the unordered list of links in the nav so they look like buttons that float left to right. Set the padding and margin of the ul to zero. Set the list-style of the ul to none. Set the li tags to float left with padding and margin set to zero. Set a tags in the nav to display inline-block and add a border and padding to make the links look more like buttons. 7
main Set the background color to white or a very light color. Set overflow to auto. Set box-sizing to border-box. Set the width to 100%. Add padding so the text is not too close to the edge. Add a box-shadow. 3
aside Make the font-size smaller, add padding and a very light background color 2
footer Make the text centered. 1

3. Responsive Design (25 points)

The page will have three different layouts:

Device Description Points
Mobile The goal is to maximize the space for content on small display devices. Do not set the width using explicit px values. Using 100% for width is OK because it maximizes the available space. Use minimal padding and margin. 3
Tablet Use a media query to set the following styles if the browser is 700px or wider: Set the width of main to approximately 650px and use auto margins to center the main. Make the header fixed (i.e., sticky) so when you scroll it will always be at the top. Finally, set the width of the aside areas to approximately 200px and float them right so they are not in the middle of the section content. 9
Desktop Use a media query to set the following styles if the browser is 1000px or wider: Position the header and footer to the left of the main content area in a 2-column format using the following technique. Set the width of the outer-most div container to approximately 950px and center it using auto margins. Set the width of the header and footer to about 300px and float them to the left. If the footer gets stuck in the middle, use clear: left to force it below the header. Set main to float right. Note that the width of the main area should have already been set to 650px from the previous media query, i.e., 700px or greater. 13

4. Content Pages (25 points + bonus for additional pages)

Use your template to create 3 or more linked pages.

Page Description Points
Home Make a home page. Who are you? What is your purpose in the world? Add a nice picture that you like. 5
Resume Make a resume page. Good opportunity to use multiple sections and lists, e.g., skills. 10
Courses Make a page that lists all the courses you've taken. Use a table to list your courses (course number, name, semester taken, etc) 10


Make sure all your files (html, css and images) are in one folder called project1. Create a zip file of this folder and submit via Blackboard.


This project is individual. You should not share your html or css code with anyone in the class. While it may be natural for your resumes to have similar structure and styles, excessive similarity (especially in source code formatting) is a sign that you used someone else's files but changed the content. When you do this, you learn less about the syntax and rules of HTML and CSS. You are expected to author all your files from scratch and protect them so that no one can copy your hard work.