Lab 4

Lab 4

JavaScript Basics II

Dynamic Event-driven Webpage

Lab Setup

Download the following files to your lab4 folder. Remember to Right-click the links and select Save Link As..

inputs.html style.css functions.js

1. Better Way to Create Forms [40 points]

In this part, we will create the following form using very flexible JavaScript functions:


  1. Open inputs.html in Notepad++
  2. Notice we are trying to append three children to newForm, but newForm has not been defined
  3. Define a variable called newForm, use the document.querySelector() method to select the form element in the body of the web page, and set newForm to point to that element
  4. Open functions.js in Notepad++
  5. Notice there are two functions for making text nodes and labels, but there are no functions for making inputs and selects
  6. Use the makeLabel function as a model and define a function called makeInput that takes the following arguments/parameters defined in order: type, id, value and label
  7. The makeInput function should do the following:
    • Create a new input element
    • Set the type attribute to the passed type parameter
    • If the id is not defined and not blank, set the id and name attribute to this value
    • Note that === and !== are strict comparison operators where the objects being compared must have the same value and type. You should use the strict operators when checking to see if a variable in undefined.
    • If the value is not undefined and not blank, set the value attribute to this value
    • If the label is not undefined and not blank, do the following:
      • Use the makeLabel function to create a new label
      • Create a new div element
      • Append the new label and new input to the new div
      • Return the new div
    • If the labelis undefined or blank, return the new input element
  8. Consider that this function has the ability to create all the different types of input elements, including text, password, date, email and even submit and reset buttons. It only sets the id, name and value attributes if they are passed as parameters and not blank. If a label is passed, it creates a new label and nests the label and input element in a surrounding div element.
  9. Use the makeInput function as a model and define a function called makeSelect that takes the following arguments/parameters defined in order: id, values and label
  10. The makeSelect function should do the following:
    • Create a new select element
    • If the id is not undefined and not blank, set the id and name attribute to this value
    • Use a for loop to iterate over the values array. For each value in the array do the following:
      • Create a new option element
      • Set attribute value of the option element
      • Instead of using the innerHTML field, use the makeTextNode function to create a text node with the array value and then append it to the option element you just created
      • Append the new option element to the select element
    • If the label is not undefined and not blank, do the following:
      • Use the makeLabel function to create a new label
      • Create a new div element
      • Append the new label and new select to the new div
      • Return the new div
    • if the labelis undefined or blank, return the new select element
  11. Consider that select elements often have a list of numeric options, e.g., age or years of experience. We should avoid "hard coding" these kinds of arrays. Instead, write a function called makeArray the returns an array of strings for a numeric range from start to end. For example, the function call makeArray(2,5) would return ["2", "3", "4", "5"].
    • Inside your makeArray function, create an empty array like this: var myArray = [];
    • Then, write a for loop that goes from x = start to end inclusive
    • Inside your loop, you can convert the loop counter x to a string like this: var myString = x.toString()
    • Finally, add the string to the array like this: myArray.push(myString);
  12. Open inputs.html in Notepad++ and add the function calls to create all the form elements in the solution. You should add the following:
    • A password input with id and name equal to "passwd" and the label "Password: "
    • An email input with id and name equal to "email" and the label "Email: "
    • A date input with id and name equal to "birth" and the label "Date of Birth: "
    • A select element with id and name equal to "exp" and the label "Years of Experience" where the values range from 0 to 50
    • At the end of your loop be sure to return the array, i.e., return myArray;


Verify that inputs.html validates at:

Show your instructor that your code matches the solution.

VERIFY before sumbitting

Verify that valid.html validates at:
Then, try submitting your form with invalid and valid values. Make sure it works.

2. Better Way to Validate Forms [30 points]

Assume all the input elements inside of div tags are required and cannot be blank. Rather than write redundant code to check each element, we can do it with minimal coding.

3. Custom Validation & More Events

In this part, you will implement validation that displays an error message and disables the "Insert" button. See the solution to understand how the form will function.


A. Valid Username [5 points]

Make sure the username is not "admin" or "root"

In inputs.html add the following code:

document.querySelector("#username").addEventListener("change", function(event) {
  if (this.value == "root" || this.value == "admin") {
    this.parentNode.setAttribute("class", "error")
    document.querySelector("#error_message").innerHTML = "Invalid username";
    document.querySelector("#insert_button").disabled = true;
  else {
    this.parentNode.setAttribute("class", "")
    document.querySelector("#error_message").innerHTML = "";					
    document.querySelector("#insert_button").disabled = false;

Test the code above to make sure it works and then read the following:

Key Concepts

B. Valid Password [10 points]

Using part A as a model, make sure the password is 10 or more characters long.

C. Valid Age & Experience [15 points]

Using part A as a model, make sure the selected "Age" - "Years of Experience" is greater than 18.


Create a zip file of your lab4 folder called and submit the file in Blackboard. The zip file should contain three files: inputs.html, style.css and functions.js.

In the comment area of Blackboard put your partner's name.

Not finished?

The deliverable must be submitted in Blackboard by midnight on the day before your next scheduled lab meeting. If you wish to work alone, you can submit the deliverable yourself. However, you are encouraged to work with your partner and you can submit together. When submitting as a lab pair, be sure to include your partner's name in the comment area when you submit via Blackboard.

Do not share

Outside of lab, you are only permitted to work with your lab partner. Do not share your work with any other student.